Use your gas engine, if you have one. Otherwise it gets cranky.
Podcast: Accidental Tech Podcast
Episode: 619: Master Plan to Take Over the World
It’s one of the things that always worries me about hybrids and we’re so worried about Marco’s i3’s range extension is like, if you don’t ever use the gas engine, A, you’re just, you know, wasting electricity hauling this big heavy thing.Casey
That is true. Yeah.John
And B, if you don’t run a gasoline engine for long periods of time, it gets cranky. Like you do have to occasionally start it. And you are like you’re it’s clearly turning on. And although I auto stop start also makes me have empathy for the engine.Casey
I know they’re designed to auto stop start. I know all the things they did to change the engine so they can do that and more robust starters and yada yada. It’s still not good for the engine still.Casey
So I do worry that I mean, you’re at least answer who cares. But like it’s one of the strange compromises about hybrids is, you know, depending on how you use them in like the quote unquote best case scenario where you’re basically on EV almost all the time. It’s inefficient to hug the line, lug the engine around and be that engine is having a sad, difficult life.John
That’s probably not being run enough. It wants to.John
It’s like, you know, you know, a thoroughbred horse. It wants to get out there and run. And you’re just like, nope, electric motors got it.