John Siracusa

Siracusa Says

A fun collection of things John Siracusa has said on podcasts

Tell Us You're Not Going to Break the Rules

"Promise you won't be bad!" "I won't be bad." "UNCONVINCING!"

Podcast: Accidental Tech Podcast
Episode: 577: Colorful Criticism

So Phil Schiller says, Epic, you’ve been bad. Are you going to be good? Tell us in writing you’re going to be good. Tim Sweeney says, in a very short paragraph, we are totally going to be good. We will comply with all your terms, current and future. If there’s anything specific you want us, any specific assurances, if you want us to say specifically, we won’t TP your house. We’ll say it. Just let us know. So I saw this exchange and I’m like, all right, well, so Phil Schiller is basically saying, look, we don’t like you. You’re bad. You’re saying mean things about us. Seems like you’re going to break the rules. Tell us you’re not going to break them. Tim Sweeney says, we’re totally not going to break the rules. Here’s Apple’s response.

Mr. Sweeney’s response to that request was wholly insufficient and not credible. He’s the CEO. How is that not credible? Anyway, it boiled down to an unsupported trust us.

I mean, let’s pause here. What did he want? What could be in that document in text, in written form, that would not be trust? Is there some kind of like, like blockchain derived, like trusted intermediate, like you asked for written assurances. You got written assurances and it’s like, they were wholly insufficient. Like, was there not enough groveling? Did he not apologize for the hot garbage?

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