John Siracusa

Siracusa Says

A fun collection of things John Siracusa has said on podcasts

Fans Are a Threat to Me

John's life is in constant peril because he's constantly dodging the fans that threaten him.

Podcast: Accidental Tech Podcast
Episode: 580: Socks in the Knob-Hole

Anyway what’s wrong with ceiling fans? John what is your ridiculous angst against them?

I’m not it’s not angst, i don’t say there’s anything wrong i just didn’t know Marco was a fan person. Fan people are people who need to have fans blowing on them in most of the rooms in their house

I wouldn’t say need to but

I would say need to

What a fan does is it it buys you some headroom from needing like the air conditioning to be colder. So for instance

Speaking of headroom, fan people tend to be shorter no offense

How low are your ceilings that you’re going to hit your head on a fan?

My ceilings are very low and in my in-laws house where they are fan people i am forever dodging fans with my head.

How tall are you?

Yeah, John, you’re not 17 feet tall, my word!

I’m tall enough that fans are a threat to me

Buy me a coffee