Cereal is John's density!
Podcast: Upgrade
Episode: 490: The Cat Has a Team of Lawyers
John: The second question you were getting to is, okay, but what if the cereal floats?
Jason: Yeah.
John: Because now as you’re putting liquid in there, the cereal is moving because it starts to float. That’s why you have to have different amounts, different rules sort of for filling things based on how much you know the cereal floats.
Jason: Density of the cereal, right.
John: Yeah. And that happens when you put the cereal in. When you put it in the bowl, if it’s a floaty cereal, you can’t put as much in because as you put the milk in, it’s going to rise and then the cereal is going to spill over the edge before the liquid gets to the edge. You know what I mean?
Jason: It’s true.
John: Yeah. I have precise amounts for all different kinds of cereal brands and I know how high I have to put the milk in my bowl. And unlike you, my goal is not to be done with everything at the same time. My goal is to have a little bit of milk left because I like to have the second little helping of cereal to get rid of the milk that’s left because one bowl of cereal is just not quite enough with the size of my bowls.