John Siracusa

Siracusa Says

A fun collection of things John Siracusa has said on podcasts

Your Apple Id Is an Email Address

John keeps hounding people for their super secret Apple IDs which are really just email addresses. The struggle is real.

Podcast: Accidental Tech Podcast
Episode: 580: Socks in the Knob-Hole

Your Apple ID is an email address. Is it an Apple email address? Sometimes, but not always. It’s like, ooh, it’s rough.

So, but why is it Apple ID? Well, it’s always been Apple ID, and it’s just easy to be consistent. And at a certain point after several decades, I think it is wise. Again, I’m not even putting any stake in this rumor. I don’t even know if this is going to happen.

But I think it should happen because Apple account is so much better than Apple ID, especially since now they’re all forced to be email addresses. And Google account is also an email address, and so is an Apple account, and so is a Microsoft account.

And you see how it works here? And Apple ID has always been weird. So much so that I, you know, as a developer of software in the Apple ecosystem, way too many times I have tried to communicate with a customer about something, and they’ve said to me in response to me asking them questions to help debug a problem, I’m not giving you my Apple ID because it sounds like a secret thing, and it sounds like I’m trying to pump them for secret information.

It’s like, no. it’s just your email address. Why Apple? Why do you do this to us?

Cranky Gas Engine

Use your gas engine, if you have one. Otherwise it gets cranky.

Podcast: Accidental Tech Podcast
Episode: 619: Master Plan to Take Over the World

It’s one of the things that always worries me about hybrids and we’re so worried about Marco’s i3’s range extension is like, if you don’t ever use the gas engine, A, you’re just, you know, wasting electricity hauling this big heavy thing.

That is true. Yeah.

And B, if you don’t run a gasoline engine for long periods of time, it gets cranky. Like you do have to occasionally start it. And you are like you’re it’s clearly turning on. And although I auto stop start also makes me have empathy for the engine.


I know they’re designed to auto stop start. I know all the things they did to change the engine so they can do that and more robust starters and yada yada. It’s still not good for the engine still.


So I do worry that I mean, you’re at least answer who cares. But like it’s one of the strange compromises about hybrids is, you know, depending on how you use them in like the quote unquote best case scenario where you’re basically on EV almost all the time. It’s inefficient to hug the line, lug the engine around and be that engine is having a sad, difficult life.

That’s probably not being run enough. It wants to.

It’s like, you know, you know, a thoroughbred horse. It wants to get out there and run. And you’re just like, nope, electric motors got it.

I've Got a Member Special For That

Apparently Apple programmers use their windows like John uses his windows. He's got a member special video for that.

Podcast: Accidental Tech Podcast
Episode: 614: Don’t Puke for the Show

So when you are logging in to Safari with, you know, to App Store Connect or something with a developer account, and it sends you the 2FA code, it shows the 2FA box on the Mac exactly centered in your screen.

You know what else is exactly centered in your screen? The input boxes in Safari that you have to type it into.

So every single time I have to drag the little window out of the way so I can see it. It’s always on top, of course. So I can type in the code. And it’s like, doesn’t this happen to everyone inside Apple?

How has this not been fixed after all these years?

Maybe everyone’s using their windows like I am. I’ve got a member special video you can watch so you can learn how to arrange your windows so they’re not always dead center on your giant screen.

Oh, my goodness.

The Shrinking Modem Sound

The number of people who know the modem sound shrinks everyday

Podcast: Accidental Tech Podcast
Episode: 514: My Immense Softness

I get the bad feeling all of our good content happened before we went live

Don’t worry i’m using some of that for the pre-show in the in the release version all right good deal yeah bootleg people go listen to the release version of like the first you know five minutes and you’ll hear everything that just happened not even 45 seconds yeah listen to the modem sound

How many people i i guess in our audience it’s fine but we always refer to it as the modem sound just the number of people who know what that is or will recognize it when they hear it or know what we’re talking about just shrinks every day

Yeah but but i think among our i think it’s shrinking in the world but i think in our audience is staying about the same possibly even growing

We need some more period like period piece movies that are that capture that little slice of time when the internet was a thing but most people were getting onto it with modems like that that was not a very long period of time but for the people who lived through it it was significant and no one has really done like a period piece.

I mean setting aside like war games and the acoustic coupler and all that this is i’m talking about the like you know 2400 baud and on normal people are on the internet but they’re using modems to do it era

RAM Christmas

It's RAM Christmas around here

Podcast: Accidental Tech Podcast
Episode: 611: RAM Christmas

If you get the M4 Mac mini, your maximum is 32 gigs of RAM and your maximum is two terabytes of SSD just because Apple says so. Right. There’s the RAM. Maybe that’s a limitation based on the SOC on which ones they want to manufacture. But the SSD doesn’t make any sense.

And the M4 Pro. Imagine this. It starts at 24 gigabytes of RAM.

Can you imagine? Can you imagine? How is this even happening? It starts at 20. The base RAM on the M4 Pro model is 24 gigs.

It’s like, it’s just, it’s Ram Christmas around here.

Celebrating the Roundness of the Number 600

John celebrates the roundness of the number in front of the title.

Podcast: Accidental Tech Podcast
Episode: 600: Everyone Ends Up at Crab

This is our 600th episode.

Oh, crap.

I didn’t even realize.

I cannot believe Casey didn’t know this.

I completely forgot.

You really didn’t know?

Well, I knew like a few days ago, and I just hadn’t thought about it since then. Oh, man.

Mr. Anniversary. Jeez.

I know. I have fallen down on the job. Genuinely, I am gobsmacked because I completely forgot that that was today. Holy crap. 600 episodes. How?

I mean, it’s not our 600th. It’s our 600 and something because we have like, you know, we did the special interview episode. Of course, there’s all the member specials and so on and so forth. Even just in the main feed, because we did that interview special separately, we already passed 600.

But anyway, it is the 600th numbered episode of ATP.

John’s going to John.

I’m just saying, like I said, what we’re celebrating is the roundness of the number that’s in front of the title and not necessarily the number of things that we have made.


Eight Outstays Its Welcome

John would not rather always wait for the RAM doubling. How about a 96? How about throw a 96 in there somewhere?

Podcast: Accidental Tech Podcast
Episode: 602: A Glimpse of a Better World

Again, RAM is usually sold in powers of two, and it usually makes sense to do the doubling or whatever. But what it means, if Apple is going to really hold the line on RAM for a long time, is it’s not a smooth ramp. It’s like just 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 for just years and years and years. And you’re like, oh, it’s OK.

You know, when it went from 4 to 8, it’s like, wow, everyone gets 8. That’s going to be great. And then you’re like, 8 is OK. And then you’re like, well, you know, you probably shouldn’t buy one with 8. And you’re like, oh, really, don’t get the base model that has it. You really need to get 16.

Like, 8 outstays its welcome. And it’s like, you know, you could have gone to 12 at some point in there. But instead, it’s just going to be 8 forever.

And this rumor is we’re going to go from 8 to 16, which I’m all for. I’d rather go from 8 to 16, right? But I’d rather not always have to wait for the doubling because it’s going to become untenable. Like, what about when you’re going from 64 to 128?

That’s a missing 64 gigs of RAM that you have to live with until finally it becomes completely ridiculous that they’re only shipping with 64 gigs of RAM. And then finally you get 128, right?

How about a 96? How about throw a 96 in there somewhere?

Tell Us You're Not Going to Break the Rules

"Promise you won't be bad!" "I won't be bad." "UNCONVINCING!"

Podcast: Accidental Tech Podcast
Episode: 577: Colorful Criticism

So Phil Schiller says, Epic, you’ve been bad. Are you going to be good? Tell us in writing you’re going to be good. Tim Sweeney says, in a very short paragraph, we are totally going to be good. We will comply with all your terms, current and future. If there’s anything specific you want us, any specific assurances, if you want us to say specifically, we won’t TP your house. We’ll say it. Just let us know. So I saw this exchange and I’m like, all right, well, so Phil Schiller is basically saying, look, we don’t like you. You’re bad. You’re saying mean things about us. Seems like you’re going to break the rules. Tell us you’re not going to break them. Tim Sweeney says, we’re totally not going to break the rules. Here’s Apple’s response.

Mr. Sweeney’s response to that request was wholly insufficient and not credible. He’s the CEO. How is that not credible? Anyway, it boiled down to an unsupported trust us.

I mean, let’s pause here. What did he want? What could be in that document in text, in written form, that would not be trust? Is there some kind of like, like blockchain derived, like trusted intermediate, like you asked for written assurances. You got written assurances and it’s like, they were wholly insufficient. Like, was there not enough groveling? Did he not apologize for the hot garbage?

I'm Living Your Future

The future is John's, we just hope to be able to live in it.

Podcast: Accidental Tech Podcast
Episode: 494: Ultra-Wideband Park Bench

I’m living in your future. Someday you will all listeners and co-hosts have a quantum dot OLED television probably. And you’ll like it a lot.

Every iPhone Will Have as Much RAM as the Mac

Apple may love RAM in iPhones, but they despise it in Macs.

Podcast: Accidental Tech Podcast
Episode: 584: Daisy Hates Ticketmaster

We are at the moment where every, uh, you know, iPhone, current model, iPhone, the iPhone 16 or whatever, will come with as much base RAM as the low end Macs.

Oh my God,

that’s so bad.

How soon before every new iPhone you can buy has more base RAM than say a MacBook Air, because apparently Apple will increase the RAM inside its, inside its iPhones, but they will not increase the RAM inside the Macs.